COVID-19: What we're doing to prioritize the health of our clients and staff. LEARN MORE


It is our absolute commitment to our families and staff to provide therapy with the most stringent COVID-19 safety protocols possible. Feel free to contact us for the expansive plan including the some of the detailed points below.
Centers For Disease Control CDC – Strident Healthcare will follow all Centers For Disease Control COVID-19 Guidance
Board of Applied Behavior Analysis BACB - Strident Healthcare, Inc will follow all Board of Applied Behavior Analysis Guidance including COVID 19 recommendations.
State of Michigan - Strident Healthcare, Inc. will comply with all state and county safety requirements and recommendations.
ALL IN Approach - Staff and Families will communicate and work together to determine the best mode for therapy (Telehealth, Clinic or In Home).
Extensive Cleaning and disinfecting to all surfaces including tables/walls/door knobs/light switched/toys etc. will happen prior to and at the end of each session and every two hours in between.
Health Assessment – Prior to Therapy Each Day - Questionnaire and Temperature Taking
Handwashing and Sanitation – All staff will wipe hands with hand wipes prior to entering the Center. He or she will then go directly to the staff break space kitchen and wash hands properly with soap and water. Hand sanitizer will be available at all times.
Personal protective Equipment – All staff and persons served will wear masks. Staff will also wear gloves.
Staggered Drop Off and Pick Up- Parents arrive for appointments to drop off at staggered times.
Own Space – Each child/person and BT will have his or her own space/room. Persons will be separated by 6-10 feet from the staff when possible.
No Additional Persons Present - Parents/Family Members/Additional Staff will not enter the clinic space.
Wellness temperature checks prior to each session
Gloves and Face Covering for all staff
Enhanced cleaning of all surfaces
All Persons Social Distancing
Frequent and Proper Hand Washing