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Strident Healthcare Inc. is accepting applications for the positions below. Strident offers a collaborative and supportive working environment.
Additional benefits for full-time employees include health insurance, paid holidays, paid CEU time, vacation time, sick time and more.
Behavior Technician (BT)
Registered Behavior Technician (RBT)
Behavior Consultant (BC)
Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Supervising Board Certified Behavior Analyst (Supervising BCBA)
Clinical Director
Strident Healthcare is pleased to provide quality practicum experience in Applied Behavior Analysis.
Contact Button – Contact us today at
Link to download Application and Instructions
We partner with Wayne State University and other local Universities to help guide the BCBA/BCaBA Candidates in the required field experience according to the Board of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Learn to:
Conduct assessments
Design, implement and monitor behavior analysis programs
Supervise lower-level staff in the implementation of behavior analysis programs.
Plan, attend and provide treatment planning meetings for clients
Plan, attend and provide parent training
Conduct research into behavior interventions and the efficacy of particular programs and techniques
Work with prospective clients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals
Creating reports as required to comply with ABA standards of practice
Understand all professional skills and requirements needed to provide QUALITY ABA
Bachelor’s level Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) - explain this – brief paragraph
Master’s level, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Explain this – brief paragraph
Bachelor’s level Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) explain this – brief Paragraph
We also provide supervision at the Post High School level for the Registered Behavior Technician. (RBT)
Visit the Board of Applied Behavior Analysis
For Up to Date Supervision and Training Requirements
Picture and Brief Intro of Dr. Clancy as WSU ABA Program Supervisor
Our Behavior Program Manager is …
Strident Healthcare provides Applied Behavior Analysis therapy and hires staff according to all Board of Applied Behavior Analysis credentialing requirements.
All employment practices are provided in a nondiscriminatory manner, without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, ancestry, religious creed, disability, and age.
Download Application here.
“If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”
​- Ignacio Estrada